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Product information
Gelam honey is a Malaysian honey from the flower of Gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi) tree that was collected and produced by Apis Dorsata bees. Our Gelam Honey is sourced from an area in the east coast of Malaysia, where there is a 4km area of wild Gelam Forests. There is no pollution in the area because the ground is sandy and it is not a significance area for farming and such. Being close to the seaside it receives plenty of hot sun which is not suitable for many plants except the native.
Our search for gelam honey was wonderful experience and it is almost like a walk through an enchanted forest. We had a taste of the gelam, it has the Kelat (bitter taste) with sweetness. The combination of those make the honey taste special and pleasant, easy to take. As you take it you can tell that it is sourced from a unpolluted area, as the sweetness is nectar natural flavour. The honey also gives out a medium strong gelam tree smell. This honey has been proven to have high flavanoid and phenolic contents. The major phenolics contents that has been identified were ellagic, gallic, and ferulic acids. The researchers also reported that the extracted phenolic and flavanoid content from Gelam honey showed in-vitro anti-inflammatory effect and stated that Gelam honey has a potential therapeutic value in an inflammatory conditions. Many Malaysian researchers have investigated the potential of Gelam honey for health benefit. Gelam honey was shown to have antibacterial effects which are mainly attributed to its phenolic content. Recently, a study was conducted to compare the antibacterial effect among Malaysian honey, and they found that Gelam honey is one of the Malaysian honey own high antibacterial activity. Through our conversation with the research centre in UMT and readings of prior research, Gelam is proven to have its excellent antibacterial activity and indicates the usefulness of honey as an antibacterial agent. For more information on Gelam, please refer to the link here:https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajtcam/article/view/104930There are surplus of animal model study to see the effect of Gelam honey in health; such as, Gelam honey was found to be able to speed up the process of healing when applied topically on excisional wound on rats. Gelam honey was found to be able to reduce the oxidative damage in the liver of Sprague-Dawley rats. Gelam honey in a form of hydrogel may act as burn wound dressing that enhance wound healing and suppress the expression of proinflammatory cytokines.Research source: The Effect of Gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi) Honey on Inflammatory Mediators In Periodontitis-Induced Sprague-Dawley Rats.http://www.ijarnp.org/index.php/ijarnp/article/view/246
Logistics and delivery
Place of origin:
Logistics details 1
Warehouse location:
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Nearest port:
Port Kelang
Nearest container terminal:
Port Dickson
Packaging size
Company outline
We are a team of locals, residing near the jungle area and most of us started honey harvesting since we were young. Our harvest usually starts in April and ends in Oct/November with some weeks earlier or later. During the harvest season, we camp near the harvest area, and wake up surrounded by tall trees and the swarming bees. Occasionally we hear sounds which we could not heard of, it gives us the chill but it never stops us from doing what we do best, climb the 130ft tall trees and harvest the honey.
Type of business:
Annual turnover:
Year of establishment:
Number of team members:
10 - 50