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Tradalaxy is the first free trade compliant marketplace for manufacturers who want to sell more, and for importers who are looking for new reliable products and suppliers

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For buyers

Buy high-quality goods at competitive prices from verified sellers

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Tradalaxy verifies sellers and their products based on over 600 sustainable certifications. This way, you, as a buyer, get the best value and assured quality. Our marketplace guarantees only reputable sellers, zero tolerance for counterfeits, safe payments, and fraud protection.

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Electronics and Telecommunication

Selected trendy items only for you
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For sellers

Create your store in a blink of an eye and start exporting!

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Sellers have all the functionality required to scale their businesses. They can easily manage products, prices, and stock availability via the dashboard. This is where sellers talk to clients and partners, negotiate, manage delivery options, and receive payments safely and on time.

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